Manukorihi Intermediate students care for our beaches and call our community to take action.

Thanks to Izzy Fawson, Jess McBrearty and Emma Watson for producing this educational and inspiring video which captures the students working together during their Waitara beach clean-up. Impact Program coordinators, Kent and Isabella worked alongside the students to help educate the community about waste and where it ends up.

Within one hour at the beach, the group of 8 students picked up 40 kilograms of waste. Only the cans and bottles could be recycled.

A blanket found on Waitara beach amongst the wood.

At Manukorihi Intermediate School, the students made stencils of various marine life such as a seagull, sting ray, turtle, crab and another stencil saying "Respect our moana". They spray painted these next to stormwater drains around the school. The message being that if you litter, your rubbish will end up in the drains , then river, then ocean/moana.

With the students taking positive action, they hope others will be inspired to protect the beautiful flora and fauna of our New Zealand coastlines.

A special thank you to Jamie and Sally who were staff members involved in the students’ education and participation in the beach clean up.


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