What is the Taranaki Women’s Refuge Pop-Up Clothing Shop?

The Taranaki Women’s Refuge Pop-Up Shop has become Taranaki Women's Refuge's major fundraising event with successful outcomes that allow our local Refuge to continue providing essential services to women and their children in Taranaki who face Violence in their homes.

In its 9th year, The Pop-Up Shop is also Taranaki's largest sustainable clothing event. What began as a great idea a decade ago, 'Pop Up', now boasts enormous community involvement, a real impact on sustainable fashion and considerable funds that benefit our local community.

The Pop-Up Shop has become an event where people lock into their calendars, and this year's committee is passionate about bringing more community involvement, awareness, and an enjoyable experience for all.

2022 Pop-Up Shop raised $72,249 before expenses over the ten days of the Pop-up Shop Sale.

This year we are dedicated to increasing that amount and raising awareness for the cause. In the 12 months ending December 2022, Taranaki Women's Refuge has:

  • Received and triaged 5,326 Police Reports.

  • Answered 1,839 calls through their Crisis Line

  • Provided 317 Safe House bed nights

Domestic Violence will not go away overnight. However, with continued support from our community, we are focused on working towards a violence-free society for all women.


All the clothing is collected, sorted and hung at the Taranaki Raceway ready for you to shop till you drop! The sale starts Friday 6th October with a VIP ticketed evening event where you will have the first pick of the clothing. Watch our social media pages for more details on this.

The shop is then open 9-5pm from Sat 7th Oct – Sun 15th Oct.


You can help by clearing out your wardrobes and donating designer and everyday clothing and accessories, both men’s and women’s that have been gently worn. We have various drop-off locations around Taranaki (see poster below). We would also love donations of re-useable bags and coat hangers.

We also need help with volunteering! The roles vary from clothing laundering and mending, letterbox drops, helping the team move clothing to the venue, setting up for the big sale (hanging and steaming clothing) and helping when the sale is in full swing! If you would like to volunteer please email Sue at volunteertwr@gmail.com. The volunteering hours are flexible and we can make it work within your schedule.


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