News & Community Stories

Local stories about leaders going above and beyond to ensure a sustainable future in Taranaki.

Marfell Community Garden - New Year update

Since its first hui in November, the Marfell Community Garden has made considerable progress and has brought together neighbors near and far to help develop the space. With 24 fully planted rows of vegetables, a kumara patch, corn clusters, teepees of runner beans and sunflowers as well as a perimeter of native trees…

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Food Resilience Talks - event recap

How can we come together to address food security?

This was the main question that guided our actions in organising and promoting our Food Resilience Talks event on Thursday, 3rd of December. Given the importance of this topic and its growing relevance in the post-Covid context across Taranaki and Aotearoa, Sustainable Taranaki is now involved in the facilitation process to co-create a food secure communities plan for our region.

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Manukorihi Intermediate students care for our beaches and call our community to take action.

Thanks to Izzy Fawson, Jess McBrearty and Emma Watson for producing this educational and inspiring video which captures the students working together during their Waitara beach clean-up. Impact Program coordinators, Kent and Isabella worked alongside the students to help educate the community about waste and where it ends up.

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Sustainability, Sustainable Homes, Community Elric Aublant Sustainability, Sustainable Homes, Community Elric Aublant

Zero Interest Loans to Create Sustainable Homes and Gardens

Ngā Whare Ora Taiao o Ngāmotu provides support to households to undertake a wide range of sustainability improvements to both their house and their property, repaying the costs through a voluntary targeted rate over a five or nine year period. In the process, local suppliers receive work, the local economy, health and our resilience in the face of climate change is boosted.

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